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Public Lands Benefit Tennesseans
Public Lands Benefit Tennesseans
Letter to the editor by Terry Lewis, Tennessee Wildlife Federation board of directors member, as it appeared in The LaFollette Press on September 7, 2017.
This article and information is provided by the Tennessee Wildlife Federation.
A First-Hand “View” of Tennessee Elk Restoration
A First-Hand “View” of Tennessee Elk Restoration
This is a great article by the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation! ...Must read!

Visitation Analysis by University of Tennessee
Visitation Analysis by University of Tennessee
This is a very comprehensive analysis of data compiled over a 3 year period from actual visitors to the Elk Viewing Tower
Elk Released at Royal Blue WMA
Elk Released at Royal Blue WMA
This article is from the Wildlife Management Pro website
The Chattanoogan: 10 Years Of Elk Viewing Experiences
The Chattanoogan: 10 Years Of Elk Viewing Experiences
The Elk Tower: Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tennessee Elk Royal Blue Sundquist WMA Hatfield Knob Wildlife |
For Assistance: (865) 258-9541
Tennessee Elk Royal Blue Sundquist WMA Hatfield Knob Wildlife |
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